{tape, miniLockLib} = require "./test_setup"
Blob = window?.Blob or require "../library.compiled/Blob"
{Alice, Bobby, read, readFromNetwork} = require "./fixtures"
tape "EncryptOperation", (test) -> test.end()
tape "construct a blank encrypt operation", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation
tape "make miniLock version 1 files by default", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.same operation.version, 1
tape "define version, data, name, type, time, miniLockIDs, keys and callback when you construct an encrypt operation", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
version: 2
data: data = new Blob
name: "secret.minilock"
type: "text/plain"
time: time = Date.now()
miniLockIDs: miniLockIDs = []
keys: Alice.keys
callback: callback = (error, encrypted) ->
test.same operation.version, 2
test.same operation.data, data
test.same operation.name, "secret.minilock"
test.same operation.type, "text/plain"
test.same operation.time, time
test.same operation.keys, Alice.keys
test.same operation.miniLockIDs, miniLockIDs
test.same operation.callback, callback
tape "can’t start encrypt operation without callback function", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.throws operation.start, 'Can’t start encrypt operation without callback function.'
tape "can’t start encrypt operation without data", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: []
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt without a Blob of data."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation with data that is not a Blob", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: "Not a blob"
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: []
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt without a Blob of data."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation without a set of keys", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: new Blob
miniLockIDs: []
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt without a set of keys."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation without miniLock IDs", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: new Blob
keys: Alice.keys
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, 'Can’t encrypt without an Array of miniLock IDs.'
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation with unacceptable file name", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: new Blob
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: []
name: ("X" for i in [0...257]).join("")
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt because file name is too long. 256-characters max please."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation with unacceptable media type", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: new Blob
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: []
type: ("X" for i in [0...129]).join("")
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt because media type is too long. 128-characters max please."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "can’t start encrypt operation with unacceptable file format version", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
data: new Blob
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: []
version: 0
operation.start (error, encrypted) ->
test.same error, "Can’t encrypt because version 0 is not supported. Version 1 or 2 please."
test.same encrypted, undefined
tape "empty array of ciphertext bytes is ready after operation is constructed", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation.ciphertextBytes.length is 0
tape "ephemeral key pair is ready after operation is constructed", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation.ephemeral.publicKey?
test.ok operation.ephemeral.secretKey?
tape "file key is ready after operation is constructed", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation.fileKey.constructor is Uint8Array
test.ok operation.fileKey.length is 32
tape "file nonce is ready after operation is constructed", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation.fileNonce.constructor is Uint8Array
test.ok operation.fileNonce.length is 16
tape "hash for ciphertext bytes is ready after operation is constructed", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
test.ok operation.hash.digestLength is 32
test.ok operation.hash.isFinished is false
test.ok operation.hash.update?
test.ok operation.hash.digest?
tape "name has a fixed size of 256 bytes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation name: "untitled.txt"
decodedName = operation.fixedSizeDecodedName()
test.equal decodedName.length, 256
tape "undefined name has a fixed size of 256 bytes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation name: undefined
decodedName = operation.fixedSizeDecodedName()
test.equal decodedName.length, 256
filteredBytes = (byte for byte in decodedName when byte isnt 0)
test.same filteredBytes.length, 0
tape "decoded type has a fixed size of 128 bytes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation type: "text/plain"
decodedType = operation.fixedSizeDecodedType()
test.equal decodedType.length, 128
tape "decoded time has a fixed size of 24 bytes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation time: Date.now()
decodedTime = operation.fixedSizeDecodedTime()
test.equal decodedTime.length, 24
tape "encrypt version 1 attributes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
version: 1
name: "untitled.txt"
test.same operation.ciphertextBytes.length, 1
decryptor = miniLockLib.NaCl.stream.createDecryptor(operation.fileKey, operation.fileNonce, operation.chunkSize+4+16)
decryptedBytes = decryptor.decryptChunk(operation.ciphertextBytes[0], no)
test.equal decryptedBytes.length, 256
filteredBytes = (byte for byte in decryptedBytes when byte isnt 0)
decryptedName = miniLockLib.NaCl.util.encodeUTF8(filteredBytes)
test.equal decryptedName, "untitled.txt"
tape "encrypt version 2 attributes", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
version: 2
name: "untitled.txt"
type: "text/plain"
time: (new Date "2014-08-17T07:06:50.095Z").getTime()
test.same operation.ciphertextBytes.length, 1
decryptor = miniLockLib.NaCl.stream.createDecryptor(operation.fileKey, operation.fileNonce, operation.chunkSize+4+16)
decryptedBytes = decryptor.decryptChunk(operation.ciphertextBytes[0], no)
test.equal decryptedBytes.length, 256+128+24
decryptedNameBytes = decryptedBytes.subarray(0, 256)
filteredNameBytes = (byte for byte in decryptedNameBytes when byte isnt 0)
decryptedName = miniLockLib.NaCl.util.encodeUTF8(filteredNameBytes)
test.equal decryptedName, "untitled.txt"
decryptedTypeBytes = decryptedBytes.subarray(256, 256+128)
filteredTypeBytes = (byte for byte in decryptedTypeBytes when byte isnt 0)
decryptedType = miniLockLib.NaCl.util.encodeUTF8(filteredTypeBytes)
test.equal decryptedType, "text/plain"
decryptedTimeBytes = decryptedBytes.subarray(256+128, 256+128+24)
filteredTimeBytes = (byte for byte in decryptedTimeBytes when byte isnt 0)
decryptedTime = miniLockLib.NaCl.util.encodeUTF8(filteredTimeBytes)
test.equal decryptedTime, "2014-08-17T07:06:50.095Z"
tape "construct a permit to decrypt for a recipient", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation keys: Alice.keys
[uniqueNonce, permit] = operation.permit(Bobby.miniLockID)
test.ok uniqueNonce.constructor is Uint8Array
test.ok uniqueNonce.length is 24
test.ok permit.senderID is Alice.miniLockID
test.ok permit.recipientID is Bobby.miniLockID
test.ok permit.fileInfo.constructor is String
test.ok permit.fileInfo isnt ""
tape "recipient can decrypt the key, nonce and hash of the file encoded in their permit", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation keys: Alice.keys
[uniqueNonce, permit] = operation.permit(Bobby.miniLockID)
decodedFileInfo = miniLockLib.NaCl.util.decodeBase64(permit.fileInfo)
decryptedFileInfo = miniLockLib.NaCl.box.open(decodedFileInfo, uniqueNonce, Alice.publicKey, Bobby.secretKey)
test.ok decryptedFileInfo
fileInfo = JSON.parse(miniLockLib.NaCl.util.encodeUTF8(decryptedFileInfo))
test.ok fileInfo.fileKey?
test.ok fileInfo.fileNonce?
test.ok fileInfo.fileHash is "aSF6MHmQgJThESHQQjVKfB9VtkgsoaUeGyUN/R7Q7vk="
tape "header specifies version 1 of the miniLock file format", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: [Alice.miniLockID]
test.ok operation.header.version is 1
tape "header has a Base64 encoded 32-byte ephemeral key", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: [Alice.miniLockID]
test.ok miniLockLib.NaCl.util.decodeBase64(operation.header.ephemeral).length is 32
tape "header for one recipient has one permit", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: [Alice.miniLockID]
test.ok Object.keys(operation.header.decryptInfo).length is 1
tape "header for two recipients has two permits", (test) ->
operation = new miniLockLib.EncryptOperation
keys: Alice.keys
miniLockIDs: [Alice.miniLockID, Bobby.miniLockID]
test.ok Object.keys(operation.header.decryptInfo).length is 2